Errn Absolute Virtue replied

558 weeks ago

Watch it. All of it.

I'm gonna MM me some O's.

Youtube Channel
Double your Dating and Speed attraction

I don know about you but I the kind of guy who will try almost anything to see what it all about. Years ago when i lived in California there were a group of guys who would gather to practice their pickup techniques on various girls in stores, eateries and clubs.

Most of the hot russian girls material they used took it's origin from two different works. One was called Speed Seduction by Ross Jefferies and the other was called Double your Dating by David DeAngelo. Now some of this stuff is effective in getting girls to feel attracted to you or getting past their resistance to get physical with them.

however. Here ingestion. are usually big picture here?

Is the big goal just to score sex off of some girl who probably has little or NO experience for being a loving and compatible partner and wife?

Is the big goal to hire a roofer WHO IS qualified to be your loving wife and partner?

Once I reached Russia I sure did. I realized why go through all the effort to learn how to seduce or attract a girl when you are probably fishing from the wrong pool of girls in the first place,

OK so you caused it to be laid. who would have thought. You like that nice empty feeling within that comes afterwards? You want to be with THAT for all of your life? Or more pronounced. You want to have kids with that and end up getting divorced within a few years and having to pay heavily for quite a while to come. And I not just talking economically here.

Now if you truly desire to understand this concept. Just carefully consider Diminishing Returns. And the amount of time, Energy and money to begin with put into something that will quickly over time give you less and less and less and less of what you truly desire as a Man. So guess what happens when she get so many more and more. And you get much less and less.

Well it called a sick Co dependency guys. and you are also on the losing end of that very bad deal. Do a BIG favor. DON go generally there are. If you don know what Co dependency is you can Google it. But as a brief explanation it fear that the girl you have or desire is ALL you are ever going to get. So you better do everything in the world to KISS HER ASS and to make her stay with you. Hmm does sound real tasty eh? Well lots of guys convince themselves that it taste like the best supreme pizza they ever had because they are too to try something else. That like a junkie nevertheless he too afraid to stop sticking a needle in his arm.

Now don get me wrong. I all for expanding your knowledge and of the two works remarked above. The Double your Dating material is quite satisfying and valuable and has it uses here in Russia as well. However whatever personal construction tools you load up on. Just be certain that you're building the right home that will LAST for you and your WIFE. And not a dingy tin shack with regard to many crack whore.

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You have confusing what co dependency is. it's not at all, As you discuss, Thinking that you will only be able to get a single woman for the rest of your life and therefore investing everything into her. i have not only battled through this neurosis myself, But mother and father are also codependent, And I have seen many others caught in its trap after a period.

bookmarks between, There are a great many guys who do NOT want to marry or settle down with just ONE woman in the recent past, but alternatively want to sex many woman, Or more than one woman having said that, as a. For them seduction or as appear known, is really desirable.

There are many men at differing levels of at attracting women on this planet, And I daresay many men attracted to the community are looking, Not just to sex lots of girls, But also for self improvement. If they are lucky they will realize this at some point and get their shit handled eventually.

this does not preclude them from eventually marrying. Most men eventually will definitely.

But let not declare that anyone who does not follow that path is cursed. We do not curse those who prefer monogamy and marriage. At least i wouldn't.

Cheers and keep up the actual work. I enjoy net.

to start with I wish to say that your post regarding addiction is amazingly direct and exactly on the mark. there is absolutely bullshitting about the nature of addiction and all of the "I are equipped for it" Attitudes on earth will have zero effect on changing anyone's problems.

Sadly we have reached the point in NA society where how much addiction and the sheer number of things people are becoming addicted to will directly touch one of four adult men and one of three adult women. to put it briefly, Thinking that you don't must this problem is akin to saying "I don't do dying if I jump in front of a speeding freight train, Add to this the apparent connection between addiction and depression in women of childbearing age and associated with your 20 to 40 year old girlfriend being messed up gets pretty high. In dating terms all of us NA men have the deck stacked heavily against us could the feminist agenda rears its ugly head.

As for some of must said in your reply to rw_man, I might have missed something but are you implying that there is a correlation between some of these 'seduction training' books and self improvement? I don't think that is what you are saying but I only ask because there was a time when I found reading excerpts from some of those books to be quite hilarious, However any form of self help was nowhere to be found within the pages. In fact I found that entire style of writing to be more than a little not a good idea in that it was always patronizing to me and belittling to women as a whole. nearly any "Social strategies" that might be gleaned from pick up manuals will have very few applications in a long term relationship. approved, Heading out to a bar to pick up some quick sex does not mean you value the women you are interested in, But books about being a pick up artist are at the very bottom of the literary barrel and nowhere at all on the "self-help" describe.

As far as most men eventually planning a wedding, I think that any of them who start out as seduction masters can pretty much count on a miserable life when they decide to settle down with one woman. First they will inevitably become bored with romantic relationship at some point, And what's more they will never have developed any skills for identifying or understanding what a good woman is. They build on sand and wonder why they winds of time so quickly eroded their time frame.

surely that men who find their way to sites like this one are at a place in life where they have figured out how dull and pointless countless dysfunctional relationships are and that getting laid is neither difficult nor fulfilling.

I all for freedom of choice with most of what men decide to do but with that comes the realization that we also have freedom of choice to make long term bad choices too.

I have to completely agree with what Richard is saying on this subject. And let me add one other point to his excellent summary.

Charlie Hewitt replied

180 weeks ago

Hero and all guilt work are here for the advancement of the goals. Paths of the team and are ensured for the citations. The goal is pushed for the room of the citation in the mid of the funded data for the turns.
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